I have been so preoccupied with the
Most Wonderful Time of the Year,
I almost forgot to post my decor on the blog.
Shame on me!
I did something different & decorated
before Thanksgiving this year.
I wasn't sure if I was crazy to decorate early,
I wasn't sure if I was crazy to decorate early,
but I think it has made things a lot less chaotic...
well at least as less chaotic as they can be at this
time of year.
I was going to break this tour up into
several different posts, but I decided to
give you one big tour. Get ready
for lots of pictures!
So without further adieu,
let's begin in the living room.
This year's color palette in here...white & gold.
Moving on into the dining room & sitting room:

Next up...the kitchen:

The master bedroom:
Center Hallway:
I hope you enjoyed the tour!
As always, I am grateful for your visit today.
I know we are all so busy, so if you took
time out from your day to come along on the
tour with me, I thank you.
See you soon!