Summer is finally here!
I wish I could say I was enjoying it,
sitting by the pool, sipping lemonade and reading a good book,
but it seems between work & my son's baseball games,
there is time for little else.
I wanted to share my mantel & living room.
I went with blue & white and
I must admit, I love this color combination.
In April, I had my heart set on going
with a peach & aqua color scheme for Summer.
I was ahead of the curve, for once.
I started gathering items & sewed new pillow covers.
And then....
in May, I started clearing out my Spring décor
& began adding the peach & aqua décor.
Oh what a fail!!
I hated it even before I finished it!
I quickly took everything down & decided
blue & white was the way to go.
I have to laugh because I've been seeing
a lot of blue & white around lately.
I guess I chose well.
I'm toying with the idea of changing the curtains to
coordinate with the blue & white theme,
but I'm not sure if I'll be looking to change
everything up again once Fall arrives.
Decisions, decisions.
I rarely show this side of the room,
so here goes...
even if it is an off center picture!
I really hope you are enjoying your Summer so far!
Thanks for visiting me today.