Thursday, January 22, 2015

Winter Scenes Around the House

Winter, which, being full of care, 
makes summer's welcome thrice more wish'd, 
more rare.
-William Shakespeare, Sonnet LVI

And just who am I to argue with Will??

I have shared my Winter Mantel
and my Winter dining hutch with you,
so keeping in the Winter frame of mind,
 I thought I would share some 
Winter scenes from around my house....

The dining room table:

Dining room chalkboard:

Sitting room coffee table:

Living room shelves:  

I have to honestly say, 
I'm not completely sick of Winter...
yet anyway.

Once blogland erupts with sunshine filled photos 
& gardens bursting to life,  I'll have had enough of
Winter.  (All the while, knowing full well
that we'll still have quite a ways to go
before we experience the same.)

Wishing you a happy day!


  1. Hi Gina,
    Your winter scenes around the house are lovely. I love the peacefulness of the whites and blues, especially after all the colors of Christmas. It all looks so pretty! I agree - who are we to argue with Will : )

  2. I love taking a peek at all your wintry scenes around the house,Gina! I'm not sick of winter, either. It's our summers in Texas, that I really get sick of!

  3. Very fresh and pretty!! I'm also not sick of winter.....I have so much to do indoors before Spring arrives!!! hugs...

  4. So pretty Gina. I wish it would snow at least once for us this winter. It's been in the 50's here lately.. feels kind of like spring. I even spray painted outside the other day.

  5. Gina, I wish that I could decorate my home so beautifully for each season! I am not sure, if I have gotten old or lazy (maybe, both!). I am crazy about that chalkboard and seeing what you do with it - it always makes me smile!!

  6. You got that right Gina! It is always that moment when I see the garden photos overflowing through blog posts from much more south of me that I get antsy!! Your place looks lovely and hey you got to celebrate it.

  7. Looking good!
    My plan was to go from Christmas to
    winter then Valentine's Day.
    Winter has not come full circle at our house. I may go straight to Valentine's Day.
    We haven't had much snow here, lots of cold though.


    M :)

  8. Winking to Spring already... I can spot the birdcages and birdhouses inviting Spring in ;)
    Your home is lovely and every accent a reflection of the serenity and warmth of those who live in it.
    Enjoy! In all the Seasons,

  9. Gina, your winter vignettes are lovely! Combined with blue accents they remind me of snow and ice. They're so peaceful! You have a beautiful home and you always have gorgeous seasonal decorations!

  10. Everything looks lovely.

    I have to say that I wouldn't mind a snow day here and there as an excuse to laze in bed a little longer and putter around the house.
